Maureen Langan (HBO, Gotham Comedy Live) is an award-winning journalist turned standup comic and radio talk show host. Whether lambasting celebrities, satirizing news, or joking about her father, a New York City sanitation worker, and her Irish immigrant mother, it’s her genuine connection with audiences that make her standout.
Comedian and mom Jane Condon (The View, Last Comic Standing) lives in Greenwich, Connecticut, but she’s still a nice person. The New York Times says, “Condon had the audience cackling, guffawing and in hysterics as she sliced through marriage, husband, kids, politics and other topics.”
Ellen Karis (Sirius/XM, Fox Red Eye) is the “Greek Goddess of Comedy” and performs stand-up comedy all over North America. Born and raised in NYC in a traditional strict Greek home, her brand of sarcastic, observational humor is loved by all crowd types.